Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Anaemia refers to a condition in which the blood is deficient in red blood cells or the haemoglobin (Iron containing) portion of red blood cells.
The bodies’ red blood cells, with the help of haemoglobin, perform the critical role of transporting oxygen, which provides energy to every cell in the body. If they are too few red blood cells or haemoglobin is deficient, not enough oxygen reaches the cells, causing fatigue. Although there are many causes of fatigue, Anaemia might be considered if the tiredness is constant and physical activity is exhausting. Heart palpitations and breathlessness are experienced after even a little exercise. Since the brain is particularly sensitive to oxygen deprivation, Anaemia is often the cause of a difficulty in concentrating, irritability, headaches, dizziness and fainting spells.
Outward signs of Anaemia are pale skin and pale mucous membranes. After some time the skin become dry and the nails brittle. A sore tongue is another sign. Anaemia leaves the body more susceptible to colds and other infections.
There are a number of different types of Anaemia. One type is related to Vitamin B12 absorption and intake. Vitamin B12 is crucial not only for building and development of red blood cells, but also nerve sheaths in the body. If symptoms of Anaemia are combined with additional symptoms of restlessness and tingling or numbness in the legs, then B12 Anaemia maybe the cause.
Since iron the most essential nutrient for blood building and oxygen transport, it is quickly deflected through blood loss. Any form of blood loss, as a result of an accident, operation or excessive menstrual bleeding produces an anaemic state. Anaemia is not always sudden, and can develop slowly over time, especially if bleeding is recurrent. It can be a sign of an underlying illness that causes slow internal bleeding, such as a peptic ulcer or cancer.
Although iron-deficient Anaemia is a common condition among women and the elderly, a blood test is needed, in order, for treatment to be optimum. Anaemia is typical among pregnant women, but if it is not severe, it may be considered a normal condition that need not be treated with supplements. A good diet will supply the necessary iron.
Fresh, raw leeks are an excellent food for combating iron-deficiency Anaemia. One leek contains over twice the amount of iron contained in a cup of most other green vegetables. In addition, leeks are a good source of Vitamin C, which aids in the uptake and retention of iron in the blood. Parsley is another outstanding source of iron, as are nettles. Spinach contains a moderate amount of iron, but it remains a useful healing food for Anaemia because it contains an ideal combination of nutrients important for blood building, including iron, Vitamin C, copper, iodine and chlorophyll. All leafy green vegetables provide iron. It is best to eat them raw, as cooking, binds the iron. Other foods which contain iron are dried apricots, prunes, raisins, oats, corn, rye, apples, bananas, strawberries and grapes.
If Anaemia is due to excessive blood loss then more than iron is needed to rebuild the blood. Vitamin B12, folic acid and B6 are the most crucial B Vitamins. As supplements, they should be taken with other B Vitamins, in a B complex , with additional Vitamin C Chlorophyll in green food also helps build the blood and provide it with essential nutrients. Spirulina is an excellent source of Chlorophyll as are nettles or parsley.

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